Week 7 : Roles of Universities for Sustainable Development


Universities have a big role in educating students to understand the meaning and the teachings of sustaining sustainable development. Therefore, there are few ways to teach and educate the students. 

One of the obvious way is through education as it is an effective way. Through this education that has its advantages, students are able to develop many learning skills which are learning to know (general knowledge & understanding), learning to do (skills, competence, practical ability in a variety of settings), learning to live together (tolerance, mutual understanding, interdependence), learning to be (responsibility, memory, ethics, communication, physical capacity) and the last one is learning to become. 

This learning skills are interrelated with each other to develop a student that is learning for sustainability. This is also related with Malaysia national education philosophy that is stated on the picture below.

The next way is through conducting research for the students. This skills could enhance students' skills to experience and understand many knowledge in different fields. Conducting research also makes the students feel more so that they will be more open-minded and have the confidence and courage to move forward to voice their opinions and providing solutions to a problem. Students are also able to be a creative and innovative thinkers.

External leadership is also one of a great way to educate students to sustain sustainable development. Being an active leader requires people to have the courage to voice out opinions and have the soft-skills and critical thinking skills to lead their people. This enable students to communicate with outside world to communicate and exchange views on any matter. Leadership also is like a public engagement that will lead students to oustide world and become more familiar with the public sector right after graduating from the university, they will also not be clumsy dealing with various types of people and be able to lead any event or public organization.

*all photos are credited to respective owner.


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