Week 3 : Maqasid Shariah & Sustainable Development



Maqasid al-Shariah is to enhancing the welfare or benefit (maslahah) of the people on one hand and preventing harm (mafsadah) on the other of a human well being. 

The objective of Maqasid al-Shariah is to promote and protect the well-being of people and nature which has five fundamental objectives which are:

These objectives have great resemblances to United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). As we can see from SDGs 17 goals, there are no goals from religious aspects but most goals are aligned with the spirit of Islamic law. 

There is also compatibility between the 5Ps of the SDGs and Maqasid al-Shariah which are people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership.


Islam is a religion of peace that taught us to make peace with other people and create a peaceful environment. People who are live in a life which is threatened by terrorism, conflict, violation of human rights need to be help so that they could live a peaceful and meaningful life. 

Furthermore, the 16th goal which is peace and justice can be realized with the help offered to those in need of peace especially those who live in turbulent countries.


Intellect is people's honor and virtue. Allah SWT has given us the most significant blessings so that they acquire knowledge of right and wrong and distinguish the virtue from the vice. Allah also has distinguished humans from other creatures by the grace of mind and made them Khalifah in this world. 

The 4th goal of SDGs is quality education. Education is important for all people especially children and it can be realized by providing quality educations to them. Children and young people who gain skills such as writing, reading, and counting are more likely to have a better future as they will lead this world with the knowledge they acquire to maintain the sustainability of this world in various aspects.


Our planet must be safe and peaceful for new generations to enjoy. We must take care of our environment and not use all resources excessively to make sure that our source is still adequate for the use of future generations. 

This point has a relation with SDGs goals number 6 and 13. The current generation regardless of religion, age and background need to be responsible for our present and future life. We need to take care of the available water resources and not waste or even pollute it. We also need to use natural resources as needed and not use them excessively to maintain the sustainability of nature for the sake of our earth's climate. 


Muslims believes wealth does not belong to human but Allah as Islam has its own perspectives and concept on wealth. The things that we own as a Khalifah is to please Him with good deeds by using the resources that had been given including wealth. 

The 1st goal of SDGs can be realized by giving charity to people who are in need either they are Muslims or not. Failure in managing wealth can bring up to poverty and lead to kufr or disbelief as their confidence in religion might be manipulated by money and wealth to support their needs. That is why Islam brings solutions in its teaching in Maqasid al-Shariah to protect human beings. 


The 17th goal of SDGs is a partnership for the goals. It refers to the need for cross-sector and cross-country collaboration in pursuit of all the goals by the year 2030 as an initiative to promote sustainable development. It is to strengthen the cooperation between developed and developing countries to share a vision of SDGs. 

Therefore, this partnership needs development assistance especially for the turbulent regions and countries to drive growth and trade.

Overall, Maqasid al-Shariah and SDGs are interrelated with each other. This concept was an integral part of the Muslim way of life since the 7th century. Spiritual principles emphasize that the true nature of humanity is blissful existence. Thus, there is a need to take religion's comprehensive role in shaping human lives and in promoting sustainable development. 

*all pictures are credited to respective owners


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