Week 1 : Sustainable Development


Sustainable Development?

What do you understand about this topic?

Firstly, let me explain from my own understanding and thoughts. Sustainable development is an idea and principle on how to manage the needs of the current generation without affecting the needs of our future generations.

Sustainable development also includes the preservation and conservation of the environment without being destroyed by modern development which includes the interrelationship between society, economy, and environment. 

What I meant is each country should be aware of the significance of the natural environment.

As we know, America is a very modern developing country but it
has 4% of forests that still exist meanwhile over 96% of it has been cut down. 

This matter is a great concern and has been deviating from the principles and goal of sustainable development. Therefore, all countries including the developed, developing, and undeveloped are responsible for maintaining and taking care of our environment in order to achieve more sustainable development. 

*all pictures are credited to respective owners. 


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