Week 6 : Roles of Institutions For Sustainable Development


The role of institutions for sustainable development is related to two SDGs goals which are number 16 (peace & justice) and number 17 (partnerships for the goals). In achieving these sustainable goals, there are a few roles. 

The main role is global and national institutions. It is needed for both developed and developing countries to collaborate in pursuit of all goals by the year 2030. This collaboration shared a framework by using the SDGs goals to succeed in realizing the partnerships. 

The advantages of the collaboration are broadening the idea of development, has an approach through cooperation between the governments to form multi-stakeholder partnerships, and also providing solutions and mechanisms to address sustainable development challenges. 

The next role is the national agenda. Nation's role in Agenda 2030 is “ it takes into account different national realities, capacities and level of development and respecting national policies and priorities. Targets one defined as aspirational and global… ” - para 55. There are many ways to implement the SDGs on a national level as stated in the picture below.

Malaysia also has its plan regarding the implementation of SDGs as shown in the pictures below.


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