Week 5 : Sejahtera as Local Concept of Sustainable Development


Sejahtera is an indigenous concept in the Malay Archipelago. It means balanced well-being, prosperity, peace, and also tranquility. 

Sejahtera has a deeper meaning although it is often allied with well-being and prosperity. In fact, it is beyond it. Prosperity encompasses human relationships internally and externally. The relationship includes the external environment which is with nature, human beings, including other species meanwhile internal relationships embrace humans with their inner self including spiritual consciousness, and the Creator.

This interrelationship explains the real meaning of Sejahtera as a balanced and harmonious way of life. 

There are a few other concepts by other countries which bring the same meaning as Sejahtera such as Ikigai, Lagom, and Hugge. For example, Ikigai means the purpose for representing value, wellbeing and to live a moderate life. Lagom is 'just the right amount' which brings the meaning of adequate - as a guide to a sustainable lifestyle.  

Society should focus on reducing the ecological footprint until it is in balance with nature and elements of Sejahtera (SPICES).

There are ten different elements of the acronym SPICES which are spiritual, physico-psychological, intellectual, cognitive, cultural, ethical, emotional, ecological, economic, and societal. Each of the elements must be balanced with the other and not just with itself in order to achieve prosperity over generations.

*all pictures are credited to respective owners.


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