
Showing posts from April, 2021

Week 5 : Sejahtera as Local Concept of Sustainable Development

  Sejahtera is an indigenous concept in the Malay Archipelago. It means  balanced well-being, prosperity, peace, and also tranquility.  Sejahtera has a deeper meaning although it is often allied with well-being and prosperity.  In fact, it is beyond it.  Prosperity encompasses human relationships internally and externally.  The relationship includes the external environment which is with nature, human beings, including other species meanwhile internal relationships embrace humans with their inner self including spiritual consciousness, and the Creator. This interrelationship explains the real meaning of Sejahtera as a balanced and harmonious way of life.  There are a few other concepts by other countries which bring the same meaning as Sejahtera such as Ikigai, Lagom, and Hugge. For example, I kigai means the purpose for representing value, wellbeing and to live a moderate life. Lagom is 'just the right amount' which brings the meaning of adequate - as a guide to a sustainable

Week 3 : Maqasid Shariah & Sustainable Development

  WHAT IS MAQASID AL-SHARIAH? Maqasid al-Shariah is to enhancing the welfare or benefit (maslahah) of the people on one hand and preventing harm (mafsadah) on the other of a human well being.  The objective of Maqasid al-Shariah is to promote and protect the well-being of people and nature which has five fundamental objectives which are: These objectives have great resemblances to United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). As we can see from SDGs 17 goals, there are no goals from religious aspects but most goals are aligned with the spirit of Islamic law.  There is also compatibility between the 5Ps of the SDGs and Maqasid al-Shariah which are people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership. LIFE = PEACE Islam is a religion of peace that taught us to make peace with other people and create a peaceful environment. People who are live in a life which is threatened by terrorism, conflict, violation of human rights need to be help so that they could live a peaceful and mea

Week 2 : Islam and Sustainable Development

  Sustainable development is not a new concept to Islam and Muslims as the Quran and hadith have mentioned the environmental matter and guidance on how to deal with it. There are three categories related to Islam and sustainable development which are Islam and social, environmental, and economic sustainability and it is interrelated with each other.      Islam and Social Sustainability.     Islam has taught Muslims to treat other people nicely and equally. People should not discriminate against others based on their background. Islam has also encouraged people to practice the concept of ukhuwwah (brotherhood). Violence or threats are strictly forbidden in Islam because it can encourage strife and division while Islam advocates peace.  Islam and Environmental Sustainability.     Islam has taught Muslims to take care and have a responsibility to our nature and environment as we are the Khalifah in this world. Every individual should not be greedy in using our natural resources excessivel